Climate-Smart Examples

Year 9 & 10


On this page, we explore the diverse world of climate-smart technologies, which are revolutionising how we grow food sustainably. From seeds that thrive in arid conditions to sophisticated systems that deliver water and nutrients with precision—every innovation represents a step towards a greener future. Witness these technologies in action through case studies and understand their impact on our planet and society. Let’s explore the solutions shaping the next generation of agriculture.

There are so many climate-smart technologies appearing all over the world. Gaining an understanding of them can help us introduce them to different regions sustainably and contribute to increasing the availability of nutritious food. 

  1. Select one of the climate-smart technologies from below.
  2. Watch the video to understand how it works.
  3. Answer the questions.
Helping to Produce More Food

How are climate-smart agricultural technologies helping communities?

  • Reducing forest degradation
  • Growing more food/crops
  • Managing land with higher yields based on climate-resilient systems
  • Storing carbon in plants and soil

What are some examples?

The Food Cube - – Improving food security
  • What are the challenges of growing food in Tuvalu?
  • What are food cubes?
  • How do the food cubes help the farmers and the community in Tuvalu?
  • How does Australia support this initiative?
  • How can you share your knowledge with your peers or community?
Climate-Smart Village Project: Agroforestry
  • What is agroforestry?
  • How is it beneficial for farmers and the environment?
  • How does agroforestry increase yields (increase food produced) in farmland?
  • How does this practice improve the livelihoods of farmers and the community?
  • Why is it important for Australia to support these initiatives?
  • How can you share your knowledge with your peers or community?
Solar Powered Irrigation
  • What are the benefits of solar-powered irrigation?
  • What are some of the challenges?
  • Why is it important for Australia to support access to this technology in the Asia Pacific region?
  • How could you raise awareness of the opportunities and challenges?
  • What are the benefits to farmers of using solar power?
We have a vast potential for these innovations to shape a sustainable future in agriculture. From precision farming to water conservation methods, each example underscores the importance of adapting to and mitigating climate change impacts. We encourage you to reflect on how these technologies can be applied within your own communities and consider what steps can be taken to promote their adoption.